Contact Us – make your suggestions to improve Canal Junction
We all need help at times! At Canal Junction, our aim is to provide useful and up-to-date information for UK canal boat owners, canal holiday makers and canal and waterways businesses.
If you have information, advice or hints that you would like to share with other canal users, we’d be happy to consider putting it online. Over 3000 people view this website daily, so your useful information could help many other canal users! Perhaps you have photos and holiday snaps you would like to share with others?
Found a Problem?
And sometimes, things don’t work as they should, or we get things wrong. This is a large and complicated website. If you have difficulty finding the things you want, or you spot a link that doesn’t work or a listed company that doesn’t seem to be in business any longer, please do let us know! Just use the simple form below. Please be as specific as you can about which page you are referring to.
Our Contact Details
You can contact us by using the form below or by emailing
Our address is Canal Junction Ltd, Dalton House, 35 Chester St, Wrexham LL13 8AH. Or telephone (01691) 623126.
Contact Form
All materials and images © Canal Junction Ltd. Dalton House, 35 Chester St, Wrexham LL13 8AH. No unauthorised reproduction.
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