T & M Dutton Breach Reopens
April 22, 2013
Paul Higson

The Canal & River Trust (CRT) has announced that it is delighted that the repair work on the breach in the Trent & Mersey Canal at Dutton has made excellent progress allowing the major works to be completed by the end of April.
After re-watering the section and making final checks the canal reopened to navigation on Friday 3 May, in time for the Bank Holiday weekend.
Around 12 thousand tonnes of stones and other materials have been used to reconstruct the embankment, with new drainage installed at the base of the embankment to help disperse excess water. Concrete walling and a specialist a flexible liner mat have been used to create a new channel.
The original estimate for the repair work was £2.1million, but it is not yet known what the final bill will be.
Thanks to Harry Arnold and Waterway Images for report and image.