Canal & Waterways News and Features

What's happening on the UK Canals and Rivers

Canal Junction has regular news updates on canal matters, progress reports on the many canal restoration and rebuilding schemes and special features about UK canals and inland waterways.

Over 100 WRG volunteers descend on Stroud

The 9th & 10th of November saw W R G volunteers from across the U K in Stroud this month to help with the ...More

Google floats new barge venture!

You may have heard that Google wants to own all the information in the world, now barges seem to be ...More

Two cross Pennine canal routes now closed.

Two of the three canals crossing the Pennines have now been shut by culvert collapses after the Rochdale Canal was ...More

Twenty four unlicensed boats removed by CRT

Twenty four unlicensed boats have been removed from canals in the last four months as the Canal & River Trust ...More

Tug to pull Tub Boat on Shrewsbury Canals

A canal society have bought an old British Waterways canal tug with the intention of using it to pull a ...More

Canal Liveaboards can join the club!

About 5000 people choose to live on boats on UK canals without any fixed mooring place, now a new organisation has ...More

New winter mooring options for liveaboards

C R T are trying out a range of new winter mooring permits for liveaboards from November 2013 to March 2014 ...More

Orange replaces lager and crisps at the Waterloo!

A well-known canal-side hotel, once famous on TV for ‘Lager and Crisps’ has been taken over by a sect of Thai Monks. ...More

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