One big change when you leave dry land behind to live afloat is you have to become much more fuel efficient. ...More
Canal & Waterways News and Features
What's happening on the UK Canals and Rivers
Canal Junction has regular news updates on canal matters, progress reports on the many canal restoration and rebuilding schemes and special features about UK canals and inland waterways.
River Thames heading to Reading
At Wallingford the council would like to relieve you of £5 for mooring overnight. (See ...More
CRT fee increases may close some hire firms.
There are fears that some canal hire boat firms may go out of business because of Canal and River Trust changes ...More
IWA Festival gets lowest attendance for 60 years.
There was a low turn out of visitors and small number of trade boats at the 2013 IWA Festival; ...More
£100 parking fines for Thames boaters
Private ‘traffic wardens’ will be issuing £100 fines for over staying boats on three E A moorings on ...More
The River Thames – Oxford to Wallingford
At Osney Lock at Oxford we paid our £36.50 to the lock keeper for a forty eight hour pass ...More
Liveaboards head south towards Oxford and the River Thames
Sunday. The rain dripped with tedious monotony outside. The melting ice from the defrosting fridge dripped irritatingly inside. This ...More
Environment Agency Rivers won’t join CRT
E A Rivers won’t now become part of the Canal & River Trust in 2015 as was promised when the ...More